Nutrition plays a key role in our health and well-being. Our daily choices affect our bodies either positively or negatively. An adequate, balanced and varied diet promotes and maintains both physical and mental health and makes us feel better overall.

Would you like to check if you are eating healthy and varied enough during the day to meet your needs and goals? Nutritional coaching helps to find individual answers and get eating on the right track, whether the goal is either weight management or getting more energy into everyday life.

A basic diet check includes one appointment with our nutrition coach. Before the appointment, you fill out a food diary for 5-7 days. Our nutrition instructor will give you feedback on your current diet and rhythm, as well as tips on things to fix.

Nutrition coaching includes three meetings with our nutrition coach.

  1. In the 1st meeting, our nutrition coach will map out your starting situation, such as background factors, diet and lifestyle, and find out your needs and wishes. Before the meeting, you fill in the preliminary information forms in advance and keep a food diary for 5–7 days, which our nutrition coach carefully examines. At the meeting, your food diary will be reviewed together and you will receive an overall assessment and feedback. Together we will set a few clear goals for the next time.
  2. The objectives set at the meeting shall be reviewed and longer-term objectives shall be drawn up together. You can also get some homework for next time.
  3. The meeting is scheduled 1–2 months after the previous one. Our nutrition coach will discuss with you how things have gone, whether you have gotten closer to your goals, whether you should still make adjustments to your diet and how to proceed in the future.

We will contact you by phone or email to confim time.