Swimming school email address:

On our website, in the swimming school section, you will find information about the course requirements for each level. If you are still not sure, then it is a good idea to choose an easier level swimming school. You can also contact us by e-mail before registering.

Swimming school enrollments begin 1-2 months before the start of the term. More detailed dates will be displayed well in advance on our website in the swimming school’s section.

You can only use the exercise benefit for your own swimming course, you cannot use it to buy a child’s swimming school. Of the sports benefits, SmartumPay and ePassi are accepted in the online store (not in the app). Otherwise, registration and payment must be made at the swimming hall customer service.

Re-enroll your child in the swimming school only after the current swimming school has ended and you have received a recommendation for the next group. There should be a break of a couple of months between swimming schools for independent training.

We strongly recommend that you take a break between swimming schools. If, despite this, you want to book a new swimming school even before the end of the previous one, then you should enroll your child in the same level of swimming school as the current one. DO NOT enroll in a higher level without being recommended!

The language of instruction in our courses is Finnish. If necessary, our swimming instructors can also give instructions in English.

Immediately after registration, please contact us by e-mail. We can transfer participation to another group if there are places available..

f a slot becomes available in a swimming school, everyone on the queue list will be notified at the same time. The fastest person to make a booking gets the slot.

Contact us immediately by email about your transfer request. If you also enroll in another swimming school yourself, please note that the processing costs of 10 € will be deducted from the refund of the fee for the second course.

When the group is full, you can queue up at our web shop. If the course says “full”, there are also no queue slots available.

You can cancel the course 6 weeks before it starts by sending an email to In the email, include the participant’s name, the purchase receipt number, and your bank account number. A processing fee of 10 €will be deducted from the refund.

As a rule, we are not able to refund the course fee, but if another participant arrives in your place, we can refund the fee (- 10€ processing fee). Contact us by email.

According to our Rules and Regulations, children over the age of 7 use a locker room according to their gender. We also follow this during swimming schools. We recommend that you visit the swimming pool and locker room with your child well in advance before the swimming school starts to familiarize the child to the facilities. It is also good to have a same-gender escort at the first swimming school session.

For the price of the swimming fee, you can also go swimming yourself and at the same time escort your child to swimming school. If your child is of different gender with you, you can wait for them in the pool area in front of the locker room door. In this case, your child will not have to walk in the pool area alone. You can also ask if any of our swimming hall employees can go and see that the child is doing well in the locker room.

We do not compensate for individual absences and do not need to be reported of the absences separately. It is also not possible to replace the class in another group. In case of longer illnesses, we may refund part of the course fee against a medical certificate. A handling fee of 10 € will be deducted from the return.