Virtuaalinen vesivoimistelu - Urheiluhallit

You can choose the water workout that suits you and do it when it’s convenient for you. The training instructions are subtitled, otherwise the program is silent. A virtual water workout display is located at the edge of the pool.

The service is available at

You can practice independent virtual water exercise for the price of a swimming visit.

Here’s how to do virtual water workouts:

Choose your favorite training program and start training! If you need help, A pool guard will guide you in the use of virtual water workouts, if needed.

Additionally at Töölö, we offer scheduled virtual water workout classes with music and the instructor’s voice on. You can join these classes with a group exercise card (single, multi-visit, monthly card) or with swimming and gym card for an additional fee of 2 €/ visit. Bookings in advance from the online store or customer service. Read more here.